5 Situations When it’s Time to Redesign Your Logo

A logo is the instant expression of a company. The wing of Nike, or the twisted aesthetics of Coca Cola, or the rings of Audi, they act as statements on their own. However, a logo may not always hold the same appeal, and this is the reason behind the redesigning of the logo. Often the evolution of the logo of a company creates its own legacy. Brands like Cadbury Dairy Milk, Mcdonalds, Delta Airlines, Volkswagen, etc. have their own timeline of logo evolution. Many of them regularly change the logo as part of their marketing or PR strategy, while many other redesigned their logos once or twice in their lifetime, and that was viewed as a revolution. Now the question is when you should consider redesigning of your logo? Be it as a norm like Mcdonalds or as milestone like Airtel; the timing is undoubtedly essential. Here are five situations when it’s time to redesign your logo.

1. Your Company Has Grown:
When you launched your company, it probably was a little startup or just a tiny business. Apple started from a small garage, Facebook was born in the dormitories of Harvard, but now they’re tech giants. Similarly, your company too, has grown since its launch. Now you are struggling no more, hence can hire a sound designer and get a fresh logo.

2. You’ve entered a new market:
When you enter a new market, or better say a new region or a country, you should reconsider your traditional logo. What was appealing in the previous market may not have the same appeal in the new market. Hence you should update your logo to match the culture of the new region. It does not always require to get a new logo, often adding a new catchline or getting a new theme does the job pretty well.

3. You’ve acquired a new company or brand:
If you acquire a new company or a brand, it is a great achievement for your company. Now without a doubt, you have to show it’s impact. Redesigning the logo or giving it a flavour of the new parent is an excellent idea for it.

4. When you want to refresh your branding:
The situation may be losing market share, or flat growth or just the product or brand is no more appealing, it will have one common conclusion, bad news for you. Launching a new logo will give your brand some fresh air, and you can start an entirely new campaign.

5. Your competitors are doing so:
The rule of thumb in the field of competition is never leaving an opportunity for your rivals. Hence when your competitors are redesigning their logos, you have no reason to sit idle. Have it redesigned by an expert and be trendy.

These five situations are widespread in business. You can consult a professional for redesigning of your logo in these cases.